Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Courier And Driving Jobs That Pays £750 - £980+ P/W

Courier And Driving Jobs That Pays £750 - £980+ P/W

As a freelance courier doing courier jobs for not only courier companies, which is called "over spill" work, you can, and really must, aim to do work for private companies as well. This is where you can make substantial amounts of money as a freelance courier.

Our freelance courier success system reveals how to go about getting these private companies to call YOU for work instead of the other way around.

There are a plethora of companies you can get work from including:

* Printing Companies
* CD/DVD Duplication Companies
* Auto Parts Dealers
* Computer Shops (Retailers And Repairs)
* Mobile Phone Shops (Retail)
* Hair Salons
* Accounting
* Design Companies
* Hardware Stores
* Electronics Retailers
* Home Appliances Stores

Let's keep it simple... let's say you only did work for Computer Shops, delivering laptops to their clients - they sold 5 laptops today and need it delivered across London.

Working at a per mile rate, all 5 jobs can easily be worth between £350 and £550 for the day! Not bad for a DAY'S work don't you think? But wait... it's only Monday....

Tuesday -- you do work for a printing company, who needs to deliver restaurant menus to their clients. It's 5 boxes with 2000 DL size menus. You take a peek at the menus and notice it's going to a Indian restaurant - and the chicken tikka massala looks really delectable... anyways, back to work...

The job is going about 75 miles from your location and you net a cool £250.00 for the job... It's been 2 days and you've already made £800... then comes Wednesday...

I hope you begin to see why doing work for private companies can be so lucrative - with the right guidance from the Freelance Courier Success System, you wont be just dreaming about making these figures from freelance courier jobs, you'll ACTUALLY be making it!

Have a look at a special video about the freelance courier system - courier jobs video

Talk soon,

Andre J Hendricks

P.S Be sure to have a look at the video - which really explains how this system can help you make £980+ per week as a freelance courier - watch the courier jobs video here

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grow Your Freelance Courier Business EVEN In A Recession!

Grow Your Freelance Courier Business EVEN In A Recession!

If your freelance courier business is struggling from this devastating recession, you can post big sales gains -- in part, by aggressively shifting the marketing approaches that you do. (Free Video Reveals Details)

If all your other competitors' sales are plunging, you can "jump-start" more business --- right now, by setting your business dramatically apart from everyone else you compete against.

By just watching a free video I've just posted on my Website you can give yourself a virtual "lock" on some powerful methods for stimulating far more profits and generating substantial new sales, right away.

Watch The video Here

If you've been wondering how on earth you can gather more meaningful steam --- when no one in the marketplace seems willing to spend as much as before for your courier services --- I have a few blockbuster ideas about what to do differently.

Look, contrary to what you may believe... your business IS unique and different from every other business out there.

You need a "Marketing Makeover" to find the best combination of recessionary marketing techniques to switch over to.

First, your business probably needs a repositioning approach --- to get the market highly motivated to doing business again (or at a higher level), only with YOU.

There are numerous nuances you need to understand and focus on --- IF you want to start stimulating more sales from your current buyers --- and generating much more sales from the people who've been buying from your competitors in the past.

This f.ree video will help you see immediately what you need To do to make it "rain" for your courier company RIGHT NOW --- in both actions and thinking.

Watch The video Here

If you want to turn a struggling business around in a recession, you MUST think differently, act
differently and transmit a different message and distinctive marketing to your buyers, prospects and new people coming into the market.

I encourage you to watch the video right now while it's fresh in your mind and I promise you'll immediately get a flood of new ideas to jump start your courier business.

All the best and talk soon!

Andre J Hendricks

Watch this exciting video about the Freelance Courier Success System ->
courier jobs video

3 Ways To Land High Paying Private Driving Job Contracts!

3 Ways To Land High Paying Private Driving Jobs Contracts!

Andre Hendricks here with 3 powerful tips that has helped me and many of my clients land very lucrative driving job contracts lightning fast!

Tip #1 - With our courier system we have a very effective 3 part follow up letter sequence to private clients like printing companies, publishers, etc. proven to get driving jobs remarkably

Simply include a candy bar with your first letter with a note stapled to the candy bar saying: "It would be a real treat to be of service to your company!"

This is sure to get your courier business attention... and believe me it WORKS!

Tip #2 - If you can afford it, invest in a bunch of fairly cheap watches (even the plastic ones.. it's the thought that counts...); and include that with your second mailing with a note saying:
"Is it not about time you save on your collections and deliveries?"

As simplistic as it may sound, it's a cut above what anyone else in the industry are doing, and pretty soon, they'll want to meet this creative marketer promoting his courier service
in this way.

Tip #3 - This one is REAL cheap to use... Buy some rope and cut it into same size parts. Next, tie some knots into it and include a piece of rope (with a knot in it) with your third mailing and a note saying:

"Are you tied down by poor service and high courier prices?" Then include a r.isk f.ree o.ffer for the client to make use of YOUR courier service without making any long term commitments yet.

The included proposal letters included with the courier system has been tested and has proved to work for many of our clients.

Watch this exciting video about the Freelance Courier Success System ->
courier jobs video

Andre J Hendricks

£980+ P/W Courier Jobs - Your Deam 100 Client List

£980+ p/w Courier Jobs - Your Dream 100 Client List

Hi there,

Not many business owners know this but the top marketing consultants and business growth strategist use a strategy called the "dream 100 client list"

You can us the same strategy as a freelance courier. Here's what the dream 100 is all about:

Instead of going after all of the courier companies in your area for work ( private companies aside..), choose only your most *WANTED* and desirable list of potential contacts
and target them relentlessly.

Instead of now spending money on a broad market with a percentage of them unresponsive or unable to facilitate your services, go after your "dream 100" instead.

This will cut your costs down significantly on mailings and postage, and at the same time allow you to focus all your energy ,time and funding on the right, qualified prospects.

Remember, only handful of quality driving job contracts can set you on your way to earning upwards of £980+ per week without breaking a sweat.

The couriers manual goes in a lot more detail but I hope you get some ideas from this short snippet :)

All the best!

Andre J Hendricks

Watch an exciting video about the freelance courier success system -> courier jobs video

How To Start Earning £980+ P/W As A Freelance Courier

HOT Tip For A Starting Freelance Courier Doing Courier Jobs

As a freelance courier, you'll do work for courier companies servicing a variety of clients. I did a lot of work for regular printing companies as a freelance courier, working for some courier companies.

As a freelance courier, you'll have goods in transit cover for the work you do. This means, not only can you do work for courier companies... but you can also do work for printing companies DIRECTLY and get paid the full rate.

** Our couriers manual and videos shows this in crystal clear Courier Jobs Details Here **

When you get started, it is guaranteed there will be printing companies NOT serviced by whatever courier company is contracting you at the time. Use the letters we provide with the couriers manual and offer to service these companies on a freelance basis.

I did this with a company called Liquid Bubble in Perivale Business Park (London) and signed a contract to service them 3 days a week. The contract was worth £870 p/w.... That's ONE printing company....

Then I got another contract further down the SAME street worth £520 p/m I only did one job per week for this company. That's 2 contracts as a freelance courier... you do the math on what that's worth per month...

The key is writing the right things and saying the right words when you prospect for these private freelance courier driving jobs.

I have created a 2 hour audio sales training program exclusive for freelance couriers to tell you in my own voice what to say and how to say it... PLUS our videos detail step-by-step how to write effective proposal letters to secure these types of jobs.

Imagine having just 3 of these types of contracts... you could LEAVE your old boring and depressing job and finally be your own boss and work on your own terms earning double the money you may be earning now.

Talk soon!

Andre J Hendricks

Watch this exciting video about the Freelance Courier Success System -> Courier Jobs Video

5 Steps To £980+ P/W Driving Jobs (Using Your Car!)

5 Steps To High Paying Driving Jobs - Using Your Own Car

In this issue, I wanted to share with you 5 steps to starting you own freelance courier business and getting high paying driving jobs from both courier and private companies.

This is of course a shortened summary of what's covered in our video based courier manual, but I just wanted to let you in on some of them:

Step #1 - Get The Right Information About The Industry.

Being a freelance courier is not the same as operating a courier company.. that's a slightly different cattle of fish, but the most important thing you can do for yourself is to educate yourself about what this sort of work entails.

You'll need to know things like what insurances to have, who you plan on working for (courier, private clients or both), things like basic book keeping, vehicle requirements, how to get clients and more.

Our course covers all of this in detail and includes videos on getting clients, marketing and more.

We are currently the only company in the UK that has such a comprehensive resource that includes videos & audios about getting started as a freelance courier.

Step #2 - FIRST get clients, Then Make The Expenses.

A common mistake many beginner freelance couriers make is to undergo a lot of expenses like renting offices, hire vans, making business cards, buying a new computer etc. ... and then try and find clients AFTER WARDS!

That is a big no, no. Our videos teaches how to get the clients FIRST, and when you know you have customers or prospects with at least a verbal agreement to use your service, THEN and only then should you invest in insurances, vans etc.

Remember having a office, a van and a computer does not mean you have a business. You only have a business when you have paying clients. That is where our course, videos and other services comes in to assist you.

Step 3 - Isolate Your Prospects And Clearly Denominate Benefits

The first thing to starting your business is getting knowledgeable about the business, the second thing is to make sure the market exists for your service (which we can safely say DOES if there are other courier companies operating in your area) .

The third thing is to isolate your target market to a group most likely to use courier services. (our videos details this in depth)

When you have that group isolated (e.g you found that printing companies are using couriers on a frequent basis), the next step is to clearly denominate the the benefits of using your service to your target group.

Think in terms of what's important to printing company and denominate your benefits so it resonates with what's important to them.

For example: "Mr Smith, when you use ABC Couriers, we make sure your clients print orders are delivered not only on time, but we also use special fittings to ensure the corners of the boxes does not get damaged in transit and thus spoil any fragile paper prints on the inside"

*That* is a clear benefit to the printing company boss and when you denominate a benefit in that way you're " talking their language"

Step - #4 - Follow Up With Prospects (Up To 7 Times)

Once you've got your list of prospects as outlined in our videos, the next step is to consistently follow up with them on a regular basis.

Naturally, the aim of your initial contact is to get an appointment to go and present your freelance courier services. What to say and how to convince them to use your services is comprehensively covered in a 4 cd (mp3's) audio series available as a download via our website.

Make contact, get an appointment, sell your services possibly only once, and do work for them for potentially years to come.

Consistency is key so your effort must be consistent to generate a large client base over a period of time.

Step #5 - Grow Your Freelance Courier Business Geometrically

If you are truly serious about making your courier business a success, resolve to give it your best and resolve to invest in your success.

We offer our clients tools, marketing solutions, sales training, professional proposal letter writing services, email consultations, web design and hosting services and more to help make their
businesses a success.

We show you how to advertise off line as well as online, how to write direct mail letters that gets results, we create unique marketing tools like our custom branded audio players, and ALL of this combined will create a geometric and compound growth effect in your business.


In summary here's what we covered in today's Courier Insider

Step 1 - Get the right information about the industry first. Our couriers course and videos is the best place to start. Get It Here --> http://www.freelance-couriers.com

Step 2 - Concentrate on analyzing the market and find clients or potential clients before making any risky investments.

Step 3 - Isolate a target market and denominate clear benefits to your chosen target market.

Step 4 - Once identified, follow up with your target market to create a consistent presence and to reinforce benefits in using your service.

Step 5 - Grow your business geometrically by using our services, or by learning about how to develop your business continually.

That's it! I hope you found the information useful... Now go and implement what you have learned.


Andre J Hendricks

P.S: Remember if you are serious about getting started in this industry
watch this exciting courier jobs video first!

Courier Jobs - Earn £980+ P/W - Packages You Can Deliver

Types Of Courier Jobs You Can Take In Your Car

I've been asked a lot what sort of freelance driving jobs can you take in a car?


First let's look at what you can't transport and what sort of weight you're allowed.

* The total weight of what you can carry in your car should not exceed 250kg. This is the equivalent of roughly 5 bags of cement - pardon my imagination :)

Watching your tyres is generally a good gauge. If it drops your vehicle significantly, you'll attract police attention who'll immediately spot the weight issue.... Let's keep it clean.

* You're also not allowed to transport flammable liquids/gasses or other substance under regulatory transport procedures like medical supplies since...

...in the event of spillage, these liquid/gasses have special codes you need to report to the emergency services, which will inform them of what the gas or liquid is and what sort of treatment it requires.

If you ever saw those big silver containers on the road and wondered what the big number/letters on the side of the container meant, now you know.


--> #1 Urgent/Important Business Envelopes

These types of freelance courier requirements are needed by Accountants who need to send important documents same day. Or Travel Agents who need to send a Airline Ticket to a client who ordered on line.

Due to the value of the ticket special or freelance couriers who deliver same day are used virtually daily!

One of our clients is doing this type of work very successfully

--> #2 A4 Boxes/Brochures/Business Cards/Flyers/Printer Supplies

Many printing businesses makes use of same day couriers to deliver work they've done for their clients. I have personally done this type of work for several printing companies using just my car when I got started.

Average pay was around £170 - £250 depending on weight and distance.

--> #3 Urgent Spare Parts

This is also work I have done and all it involves is picking up a spare machine part from say a manufacturer and delivering it to a car service station across the country.

These types of jobs generally pay very well and in most cases I earned around £180 - £275.00 per job depending on miles and waiting time which is around £15 p/h.

These are some of the goods you can take and get paid for by either courier companies in need of over-spill covering, or private companies directly.

When you have a few courier companies under your belt as well some private companies like printers sending brochures etc. you'll soon be comfortably making between £750 and £980 or more per week!

Our couriers manual and videos details how to get started in a step by step process and you can find out more here: http://freelance-couriers.com

Talk soon!

Andre J Hendricks

Watch a great video about the Freelance Courier Success System -> Courier Jobs Video

Courier Jobs - 3 Cracking Tips To Finding High Paid Driving Jobs.

Courier Jobs - 3 Cracking Tips To Finding High Paid Driving Jobs.

Andre Hendricks here once again with 3 powerful tips that helped me and numerous of my clients land really lucrative driving and courier jobs contracts lightning fast!

3 Ways To Land High Paying Private DRIVING & COURIER JOBS!

Tip #1 - Along with our video courier system located at: http://www.freelance-couriers.com

, we have a very competent 3 part follow through letter succession to private clients like printing companies, publishers, etc. proven to generate driving and courier jobs remarkably fast.

Simply include a candy bar with your first letter with a note stapled to the candy bar saying: "It would be a real treat to be of service to your company!"

This is sure to get your courier business attention... and believe me it WORKS!

Tip #2 - If you can afford it, invest in a bunch of reasonably cheap watches (even the plastic ones.. it's the thought that counts...)

... and include that with your second mailing with a notice saying: "Is it not about time you economize on your collections and deliveries?"

... as simple as it may sound, it's a cut above what anyone else in the industry are exercising, and pretty soon, they'll want to meet this creative marketer campaigning his courier service in
this way.

Tip #3 - This one is Really cheap to use... Buy some rope and cut it into same size parts. Next, tie some knots into it and include a bit of rope (with a knot in it) with your third
mailing and a note saying:

"Are you tied down by insufficient service and sharp courier prices?" Then include a r.isk f.ree o.ffer for the client to make use of YOUR courier service without making any long term dedications yet.

The included proposal letters included with our courier system has been proved and has proved to work for many of our customers - details at: http://www.freelance-couriers.com

All the best mate.

Andre J Hendricks

P.S Watch A Free Video And Also Download a FREE pdf report titled "3 Insider Secrets To Getting Driving Jobs From Courier Companies Fast!"

Driving Jobs And Courier Jobs - £980+ Per Week Using Your Car

Driving Jobs (Owner Drivers Wanted!) - For UK Courier Jobs

Right now, driving jobs are booming in the UK and owner
drivers are in demand as courier companies need to cover
over spill work.

If you have a reliable car and want to earn in access of
£980+ per week, you'll want to check out this great video
about this opportunity!

See http://www.freelance-couriers.com for details!

Driving jobs for freelance couriers are growing at a rapid
pace in the UK and anyone can do this!

These courier jobs are basically collecting or delivering
small packages for courier companies in your car.

You can do this on a part time basis or full time. Be sure
to have a look at this video at www.freelance-couriers.com

Take care!

Andre J Hendricks
